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Search and sort prayer requests.
Easily create prayer requests.
Print organized prayer lists.
This application is no longer under active development. I am considering a rewrite to support multiple platforms or possibly an on-line application. Let me know if you are interested and have ideas for possible features.
Prayer Journal is free to use for ministry and personal use. It is a tool to help develop a strong prayer life and increase our faith in God.
Prayer is absolutely essential to the Christian walk. Its importance simply cannot be overstated as it is the foundation of our relationship with God -- the very act that declares of our dependence upon Him and lays hold of the promise He has given us in scripture. This application is submitted as a tool to help my brothers and sisters in Christ develop a strong life of prayer and intercession.
After trying to maintain a prayer journal using paper and pencil, I soon became frustrated with the maintenance of the list and the desire to organize and print out an orderly prayer list. A quick search of the Internet showed me that there were few tools available, and the better ones all cost money. Prayer is free, so software to help us pray should also be free.
There were several things that I thought essential to a good prayer program:
Prayer Journal is a free application for personal use and in ministry. Feel free to distribute the software to others, but you cannot charge money beyond a nominal fee for shipping, etc.