We have seen many examples in the last couple weeks of policemen helping people in their communities, and while it is great to see many policemen that appear to have a good heart, it doesn't negate the main problem: a lack of justice. This is the root issue in our country, and it goes from the very top of our government down to the heart of every individual. We judge and condemn based on politics or wealth or race; we don't seek out the truth behind the rhetoric; we don't show humility and mercy to our fellow man or try to do what is truly just or fair, even when it hurts. We don't repent of our sins; we just try to cover them up.
Read moreThere are seasons in our life where it seems that everything has come to a standstill. We have not been given opportunities for ministry. We have not received any responsibilities. It seems that we have nothing to occupy our time. What do we do when these seasons come, especially in our youth when we have not yet reached the maturity required for ministry?
The young man Joshua was in just such a season in his life as he watched Moses interact with God. He was faced with a decision: to play along side his friends in their youthful pursuits, or to seek something greater.
Read moreSo the Jewish leaders said to the man who had been healed, "It is the Sabbath, and you are not permitted to carry your mat." (John 5:10)
I had a recent conversation with someone who I had shared a great sermon with about the need to love our brothers and how this carried the promise that we would not fall. But rather than hearing the great message of truth, he instead picked up and focused on a stray comment about a woman pastor on that church's staff. He said that it was a violation of the scriptural teachings of Paul.
Now, honestly, women pastors make me uncomfortable too and for the same reason. But it got me to thinking: are any churches 100% accurate in their doctrine and practices? Do we not all have many areas in which me need to improve?
Read moreAfter Jesus left there, he went to the region of Tyre.(Mark 7:24a)
Then Jesus went out again from the region of Tyre and came through Sidon to the Sea of Galilee in the region of the Decapolis. (Mark 7:31)
Between these two verses is recorded only one event: the healing of the daughter of a Gentile woman. Jesus made a deliberate trip away from the Jewish settlements into a region of mostly Gentiles so that he could encounter a Gentile woman in need. In this simple story we see the Gospel played out.
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